What does the Whitsundays of the future looks like, and why?
What are the current major drivers of change and points of resistance?
What do we need to do now to future proof tomorrow?
In this special Whitsundays Chamber of Commerce and Industry event, we will explore future economic and business possibilities for our region.
Guest speakers include:
- Mayor Ry Collins, presenting his economic development agenda and business priorities.
- Chamber President Allan Milostic, presenting key insights and recommendations from the Chamber’s Vision for the Whitsundays research and advocacy project.
This event will also include a presentation of the graduates from 2023 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship program – an initiative sponsored by TAFE Queensland, the Council, and Chamber.
About the Vision for the Whitsundays project
Last year, the Chamber commenced work to articulate an economic vision for the Whitsundays that is informed by the region’s trades, small business, commerce, and industry.
We invited the business community, stakeholders and individuals to inform the project’s key findings and recommendations and captured just over 130 perspectives through formal submissions, online survey, and focus groups, as well as reviewing other sources of data and reports.
A preview of key insights and recommendations for our economic future will be presented at this event, 15 August 2024.
This event is open to all Chamber members and their guests, and the broader Whitsundays business community.
Registrations now open!
Chamber and Tourism Whitsundays members: Two free tickets, no code required.
Discounted tickets ($18.75) for members of our Association Partners:
- Bowen Chamber of Commerce
- Bowen Collinsville Enterprise
- Bowen Gumlu Growers Association
- Bowen Tourism & Business
- Isaac Business Chamber
- Mackay Region Chamber of Commerce
- Townsville Chamber of Commerce
- Whitsundays Charter Boat Industry Association
Non-member ticket: $25
Time and date: 7:30am-9:00am Thursday 15 August 2024
Location: Filby’s Motors, 62 Main Street, Prosperine.
Registration: Light breakfast provided. Purchase your tickets below.
Bookings are closed for this event.